Connection is my passion

It is my mission to inspire connection. To build the bridge to communication between neurodivergent children and their parents, peers, and teachers by bringing light to the elements that matter, acceptance, presence, and pleasure. Engaging and forming connections with others is the most basic form of happiness. Every single child should be given this opportunity and every parent deserves to feel fulfilled in the process.


Hi there, I’m Casey, a Speech-Language Pathologist and parenting with autism coach.


my philosophy

I work closely with parents yearning to build a deeper connection with your autistic child.

When I initially observe a child the first thing I look at is where the child’s attention goes. If we meet them there, where their interest lies, we can begin to form a connection. Sometimes it means rolling around on the floor making animal noises, and other times it is simply being present and providing a space to allow for comfort.

It is in this space where we can expand play, expand language, and see growth.


On the blog


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